Day 15 - Opposite Dystopian Stories about Covid - 19 - Part 1
Day 15 Dear Diary, You might be wondering what exactly the image above is. So let me tell you. This is a Dystopian image. And if you don't know what Dystopian means, go here . So about this image, it isn't the only one. In fact, not only are there images, there are short films, stories, etc. As you know that I am a story writer, I am going to of course join this trend and write not one, but two Dystopian stories. One is going to be something that turns out good for us, and the other, well, it's going to be the opposite. Something kind of like the image above. Story 1 - The Cure It's been twenty years since this whole Covid-19 thing started. Nothing has changed at all. We all are stuck in our houses and neither the cure, nor the vaccine have been found. Well, there have been several vaccines, but none worked, and the same could be said about the cure. I was born during the time Covid-19 started. I have never seen school, I...