Day 11
Dear Diary,
I'd really like to talk to you about all of the things the doctors, police, and storekeepers do for us by risking their lives. I kind of got this idea from my school teacher, who assigned us to write letters to storekeepers thanking them for what they do. This was for this week, but for every week of May, I will write a Letter of gratitude to each different department that helps us. Below is the one I wrote to shopkeepers.
Dear Workers at grocery stores, 05/07/2020
Thanks for still working during these hard times for us! I know that there are people working day and night stocking shelves, helping us checkout and fill our bags. Some of you guys even help us find items, and to make sure that we are healthy, you clean individual carts, and clean the store. And not to forget those people who work behind the scenes doing many important things for our safety.
I thank you guys also for risking your health and your family’s health so that you can provide for us and give us supplies! You guys have a big hand in our rationing so we have enough to eat, drink, and more. If you guys didn’t do this, the whole world would be in misery!
Because you guys work, whenever we do go to the store, it seems normal and our whole lives seem normal as we have enough supplies to make the everyday normal food instead of special “lockdown food.” Thanks to you guys, this isn’t even a thing.
Last week, my dad went to your Walmart store to get groceries, and he told us how he got so much help with a cleaned cart, with checking out, and even with finding all of the groceries that we had on the list that he didn’t know about! He said that you made his shopping much easier and faster!
Because of all this help you are doing, I am pretty sure that everybody wants you guys to be safe so that you can provide help to us like always and you get the prize for it, which is of course great health and no covid-19.
I would just like to thank you one last time for all of this work you do for us. Stay healthy and so should your family.
With lots of Gratitude,
Shubh Varshney
So this was the letter I wrote to workers at stores, but the next few weeks will have other departments including the doctors and the police. So talking more about thanking people. We should start to think about thanking our moms, because they give us the most happiness while we cause them the most struggle. Our moms make tasty food for us, they do the chores, they try to keep us engaged, and a lot more. Let's make this Mother's Day the best it can ever be! Even a simple card can be enough for them to be happy. They will be happy as long as you put all of your thought and love into it. Not only that, but let's not let them do any work during Mother's Day, and let's help them enjoy their day even during lockdown. Last but not least, let's give a shout out to all moms in the world!
So that was all I wanted to say to you for now, because the month of May is the real thanksgiving, especially this one, because the Covid-19 has helped so many heroes to appear, and our heroes during these times are definitely our parents, and thinking about Mother's Day, our moms.
Shubh Varshney
To Readers : One last time, may the Mothers have the best day there can ever be!
Day 12
Dear Diary
Happy Saturday to you! Honestly, Saturdays are my favorite days because I get great food to eat, great things to make, and a great amount of time to do so many things, and this Saturday is when I got my Kindle. (Yay!) Speaking of good food, today, my mom and I made delicious Almond Cookies. Below is an entire recipe (another one, I made one about falafels) about these cookies. Try these and you might be amazed!
 | So here they are! |
Recipe for Almond Cookies - Makes 20 (May Vary)
Step 1 - Gather Ingredients
1. Half Cup Clarified Butter (Ghee)
2. Half Cup Jaggery Powder (Any type of Sugar works too)
3. 1 Cup Almond Flour
4. Half Cup Whole Wheat Flour (Atta)
5. Half tsp Baking Powder
6. 1 Tbsp Milk
7. Almond Flakes (You could also chop up almonds)
Step 2 - The Method
1. First, mix the Clarified Butter with the Jaggery Powder in a bowl. Beat for 2 minutes, there should be a creamy texture.
2. Then, add the Almond Flour, the Whole Wheat Flour, the Baking Powder, and the Milk in the mixture we made in the first step. Knead until it starts taking the form of dough.
3. Rest the dough for 10 minutes.
4. Preheat the oven to 180* Celsius (Approximately 360* Fahrenheit) for 10 minutes.
5. Grab a Baking tray, and using the dough, take some of the dough, roll them into the balls, and put them on the Baking Tray. If you take a lot of the dough for one cookie, you will get bigger cookies but less cookies. If you take very less of the dough for one cookie, you will get small cookies, but a lot of them. We took parts of the dough with diameter 1 inch, so we got 20 cookies.
6. Decorate your cookies with almond flakes. Put them on top of the cookies. Don't put too many though. 7. Once your oven has been preheated, put the baking tray with the cookies in the oven. Bake for 15 minutes. 8. Once you have baked your cookies and taken them out, rest them until they become crunchy. This is because when you take them out of the oven, they will still stay soft. After about 10 minutes or more, they become crunchier and more cookie like! Your Almond Cookies are now ready.
Step 3 - Enjoy!
1. Everything about this step has already been described in the title of this step.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Along with baking these wonderful cookies, I did a lot of other things too! I started my Online Piano Classes that I love, I am getting closer to my birthday, and I got my Kindle, which I absolutely love and will use every day! More Arts and Crafts I did include a card for my Mom for Mother's Day, and I finished a drawing for school. It is a Self Portrait Caricature. Meaning it is your drawing but you have a disproportionate head. Below is my drawing.
 | So this was it. The page was slanted while I took a photo so it might be a bit wobbly looking.
So that was my drawing that I drew last week and colored yesterday. So as my drawing skills get better during lockdown, every skill of mine that I can do indoors pretty much gets better. I watched a video yesterday that is very inspiring and makes us think about how Covid-19 helped Earth and us as people. Not everything is always bad. Here is a saying, "Everything happens for our own good." So below is the video which is after the Covid-19 ended and how the world improved from all of this technology, pollution, etc.
So above is the video. It basically says that in the 2010, the world started advancing. Everybody got technology, people started making big companies, and a lot more. But as this happened, we all were busy and technology, as our families grew apart. We also littered plastic in the seas, where the animals would die because of eating the plastic. The technology had grown so much, kid's eyes were being destroyed by too much T.V., kids at a young age would get phones (It's True), and pollution was taking over. And in 2020 during this chaos, came the Coronavirus. During lockdown, the families got together to do many different things like playing and baking. Because of staying inside, pollution got way less. The Earth had time to heal too (Which is so true.The ozone hole has filled up!). And then when the cure happened, (this is in the future) people got rid of their old habits and live with the new ones created during this virus. In the video, this is called the Great Realization. This video basically tells us that it took a virus to get people together. Why? Because you've got to get sick before you can get better. So this video proves that the Covid-19 may not be that bad after all...
Sincerely, Shubh Varshney
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This is really sweet!
ReplyDeleteWoah, you are really creative. Keep up the good work
ReplyDeleteYummy. These sound so good.
ReplyDeleteThat’s a very sweet and kind gesture of yours :) I really appreciate it :)
ReplyDeleteInteresting. Here is my link if you would like to see
ReplyDeletehey, very healthy cookies! Also, try my kids special Rava Kesari and make it during the lockdown:
ReplyDeleteDo visit the video and please comment for your suggestions and how much you liked it also!
Good one