Day 3, 4, and 5.

Day 3

     Dear Diary, 

     Happy Monday!! Welcome to the start of a new work week. And since this is Monday, I had to do Remote Learning today. During that remote learning, I learned some cool stories and jokes. So we will recite a joke.
     John was a funny boy.
     One day at his school,
     the teacher taught them the formula of water. 
     Teacher: John, what is the formula of water?
     John: h, i , j , k , l , m, n , o.
      Teacher: What!
     John: Miss, you only taught us the formula for water is "H to O."
     And I hope you burst off laughing just like the other children did.
     So this was the joke. Now this wasn't so funny, but I hope it gave you a good laugh. I know I couldn't talk to you for long, but I still have to take my leave, so I'll see you tomorrow!
Shubh Varshney

Day 4

     Dear Diary, 

     Today, is a day where I talk to you again but only for a short while. I wanted to share with you a Panchantra Story because these stories are my favorite fables. Here is one I created long ago, so I had to copy and paste it.

The Hermit and The Mouse

  A hermit took care of a temple in a small village. He took alms and shared it with a few people who helped him clean the temple. There was a mouse in the temple that kept stealing the hermit’s food and causing trouble for him. The hermit could not get rid of the mouse no matter what he did. The mouse continued to steal food, even when it was kept in an earthen pot hung from the roof.
Distraught, the sage sought advice from a friend, who told him to find the mouse’s food reserves and destroy them. After a thorough search of the premises, the sage found the stockpile of the mouse and destroyed it. With its food gone, the mouse was unable to jump high up to the roof for food. It became weak and got caught by the hermit, who threw it far away from the temple. The mouse was hurt and never returned to the temple.
Moral: Strike at the enemy’s source of strength to defeat him.
Hopefully you liked the story, because I did. In the comments, post your own mini story with a moral. This is all I could do today, hope to meet you soon tomorrow!!
Shubh Varshney

     Day 5

     Dear Diary,

     Sorry for not being there yesterday, but since I have a coming Math Competition I had to practice all day yesterday. Something that has recently caught my interest is Flip-book animations. Flip Books are super easy animations, but this one you-tube channel that I watched blew my mind!  Meanwhile, here is a flip book I made. Now this one is not as good as the video, but it is my first one, so I don't expect it to be. I'll just show you the little pages, sorry I can't show you an actual animation. But First, here is a video of what I saw (You may want to skip the first few minutes if you only want to watch him actually flipping the book). The Grumpy Cloud Flip-book (Just like TV!) Now if you don't think this is cool, then you are something else.

Here is my Simple Flip-book Gallery

As You See, I am not that good, but this is my first one, so I hope I create better ones. 
So now, I will have to take my leave and meet you in the weekend, so not tomorrow sadly.

Shubh Varshney

To Readers: My YouTube channel Jumbo Minds. Please check it out, like and subscribe. Here is one of my videos.



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