Day 8

Day 8

     Dear Diary, 

     Illinois's condition is getting worse and worse, and my school is closed for the rest of the academic year. To top it off, the weather is also not improving. What has Covid-19 done with this world? As the conditions get worse, everybody's lives get worse, even if they are not infected. But as I have said before, Remote Learning is great. During Remote Learning, we get assignments through google classroom and Otus. And with Google Meets, I get to talk to my friends and see them everyday! And to keep us productive, our teachers give us challenge questions and engineering challenges.
     Recently, I took the Noetic Learning math contest of 20 question with 45 minutes of time. Judging by the practice questions, I thought that the test would be super easy, but it wasn't super easy. It was a bit hard because we had "less" time surprisingly, meaning that 45 minutes was less time! In addition, I have joined the Purple Comet Math Meet that has like the hardest questions but we are a team of 6 people so I think my friends and I should be able to do it. 20 questions means that we all get at least 3 questions, and I think that is the best strategy to complete the test in 90 minutes.
     Talking about school and that kind of stuff, I love reading. Seriously, reading is just fun. And I will soon get a Kindle! The cool thing about a kindle is the way it is set up to be like a book.

Front Zoom. Amazon - All-New Kindle - 6" - 4GB - Black.
This is a Kindle with the e-ink feature that makes you feel like you are reading a book.
      The other best part about books is about the places they take you, and I love writing too, so my favorite things match! But another thing I am also getting is a Cozmo, that is a robot with feelings. This robot learns more as it lives with you and plays with you, and I love it!

Anki Cozmo Review: This is an Artificial Intelligence toy with ...
Doesn't this just look cute!!
       Another thing many children like me might be doing is playing video games. And since we are stuck at home, I get to play video games more often! Even though I have thirteen games on my Ps4, I only play one most often, which is Minecraft. I mean, Minecraft has endless possibilities and I just love building cool houses and designs that I definitely can't do in real life! With this, see you later diary! Salute!
Shubh Varshney


     To Readers: In order to not miss any of my blogs, please follow my Blogger Account as I see you in another meeting in my diary! I love when you read my blogs and comment! See you in my next blog post! For now,
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