Day 1

Day 1

     Dear Diary,

    I wanted to talk to you, as I know you will always want to know what is going on in my life. This is not exactly day one. There has been so much going on lately, anybody can hardly say that this is day one. The Covid-19 world pandemic has scared the whole world. The virus that spread from China has now invaded the whole world. Think of this virus like Alexander The Great. Its goal is to conquer the world. And I'm not saying that being scared is bad. It's good. It protects us, in fact, the science behind fear is to protect us. And thus, we are stuck in our homes since March 17th with nowhere to go. Now everybody knows that this lock-down is good for us, but some of us get angry because we don't get to play with friends at school, maybe also because we just don't get to go to school, maybe because we can't go shopping, or maybe because we can't go to the local gym or swimming pool to exercise. Now, these were some stereotypes, but a billion others exist.

    The only thing in common with all of these stereotypes is that we have nothing to do. I also thought that when this lock-down first began. But then, I realized that I had a lot of stuff to do. I got electronic learning from school for week days. But, as of today, I didn't (As it is the weekend). So, what did I do exactly? 
    When I woke up, I watched TV for an hour with some breakfast. This hour of TV might be a lot for some of us, but less for others. Now, as I got to the end of my hour, I waited until I could help my mom do her morning chores. 
    These morning chores include unloading the dishwasher, vacuuming the living room, and making the beds. Now once the thirty minutes of chores were over, I took a bath and then studied for a while. Even though some of us don't like studying, this can be very helpful, so I think all of us should study. Once the two hours of studying were done, I went outside my building and keeping a good distance, my friend and I walked around to chat and get some exercise. 
   Once this was over, I went back to my house to have lunch, and then I learned some cat's cradle tricks. Cat's Cradle is basically just a tied loop of string that you control with your fingers so you create cool figures. 

      Then, I was working on my origami. On YouTube, there are a thousand origami videos, and I just picked a random one. 
     Lastly, I just worked on a canvas painting with my mom.
  The rest was basically dinner and binge-watching until I fell asleep. This is actually similar to what I do everyday, and this stuff is what keeps me from getting bored. But there is one thing I think everybody should remember. I think that everybody should take advantage of this time. They should spend time with their families and get creative. If we can do this, we can get over Corona-virus in no time. Now now diary, I can't really tell you to stay home and stay safe because you will always stay in my hand or in my little drawer, but hopefully, you can spread the message to others. Now, I would want to keep talking to you, but I do have to take my leave so that I can start a new day tomorrow. 
    It is said that the next day is a better day, so taking that, I hope the world gets better and better by the days too. 

By Yours Truly,
Shubh Varshney


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