
Day 8

Day 8      Dear Diary,       Illinois's condition is getting worse and worse, and my school is closed for the rest of the academic year. To top it off, the weather is also not improving. What has Covid-19 done with this world? As the conditions get worse, everybody's lives get worse, even if they are not infected. But as I have said before, Remote Learning is great. During Remote Learning, we get assignments through google classroom and Otus. And with Google Meets, I get to talk to my friends and see them everyday! And to keep us productive, our teachers give us challenge questions and engineering challenges.      Recently, I took the Noetic Learning math contest of 20 question with 45 minutes of time. Judging by the practice questions, I thought that the test would be super easy, but it wasn't super easy. It was a bit hard because we had "less" time surprisingly, meaning that 45 minutes was less time! In addition, I have jo...

Day 3, 4, and 5.

Day 3      Dear Diary,       Happy Monday!! Welcome to the start of a new work week. And since this is Monday, I had to do Remote Learning today. During that remote learning, I learned some cool stories and jokes. So we will recite a joke.       John was a funny boy.      One day at his school,      the teacher taught them the formula of water.       Teacher: John, what is the formula of water?      John: h, i , j , k , l , m, n , o.       Teacher: What!      John: Miss, you only taught us the formula for water is "H to O."      And I hope you burst off laughing just like the other children did.      So this was the joke. Now this wasn't so funny, but I hope it gave you a good laugh. I know I couldn't talk to you for long, but I still have to take my leave, so I'll see you tomorrow! Sin...

Day 2

Day 2          Dear Diary,     Today is yet another day I would like to share with you because of your curiosity. The Covid-19 is still going on, and because we were running out of resources, my dad had to go get our groceries. But don't worry diary, because my dad wore a mask that my mom made with very simple steps. This is a method that helps prevent the spread of the virus from one person to another through air. Most of the time, my mom was on a video call with him so that she could tell him what to get.  So basically to make the mask, you fold a piece of cloth you have in half, and then fold the half you made in half again. Then, you put both the ends of the folded cloth inside a rubber band each as shown in step 2. Then, you fold the parts of the cloth separated by the rubber bands inwards, which makes step 3. Then, you pull on the rubber bands and put them around your ears. This makes your own simple and easy mask!  ...

Day 1

Day 1      Dear Diary,     I wanted to talk to you, as I know you will always want to know what is going on in my life. This is not exactly day one. There has been so much going on lately, anybody can hardly say that this is day one. The Covid-19 world pandemic has scared the whole world. The virus that spread from China has now invaded the whole world. Think of this virus like Alexander The Great. Its goal is to conquer the world. And I'm not saying that being scared is bad. It's good. It protects us, in fact, the science behind fear is to protect us. And thus, we are stuck in our homes since March 17th with nowhere to go. Now everybody knows that this lock-down is good for us, but some of us get angry because we don't get to play with friends at school, maybe also because we just don't get to go to school, maybe because we can't go shopping, or maybe because we can't go to the local gym or swimming pool to exercise. Now, these were some stereotypes...